Short Form Radio

Did Mary really ride a donkey? Were there really three kings? Why was Herod “greatly troubled”? These and other provocative questions on thirteen one-minute short forms available free to Christian Radio Stations.

001 Did Mary Really Ride a Donkey?
002 Was the Journey Extremely Hazardous?
003 Why Couldn’t Joseph and Mary Find Lodging?
004 Did Mary Give Birth the Night They Arrived?
005 Was Jesus Born in a Stable?
006 Were the Shepherds and the Wise Men Both Present?
007 Where There Really Three Kings?
008 How May Wise Men Were There?
009 Why Was Herod “Greatly Troubled”?
010 Why Did Joseph and Mary Travel to Bethlehem?
011 Were Joseph and Mary Legitimately Married?
012 Did Jesus’ Disciples Celebrate Christmas?
013 Was Jesus Really Born on December 25?