Creation Chronology Comparison

The creation chronology taught in most churches:

  1. God (singular and alone)
  2. Creation
  3. Adam & Eve
  4. The Fall
  5. Jesus comes to fix the Fall.
  6. We are to live accordingly in the hope that one day He will return to judge the sheep and the goats.

The creation chronology according to the Bible (the apostle Paul writing to the Ephesians):

  1. The eternal Father, Son & Spirit (community)
  2. The eternal Son is predestined to accomplish our adoption (we are chosen in Him before the foundation of the world)
  3. Creation
  4. Adam & Eve
  5. The Fall
  6. Incremental execution of the predestined plan for the incarnation of the eternal Son of God—the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
  7. We live accordingly in the assurance that we were chosen in Him before creation.